Tuesday, 28 May 2013


“Coffins. Who’d of thought it? Catalogues for coffins. And the speed and efficient nature of funerals in general. I mean I know we’ve been doing them for years, but we’re very good at it aren’t we?”
Everyone laughed.
“No, but really the whole thing has just been one task after the other, call the funeral home, call the hospital, call the crematorium, call the family, call the papers, call the lawyers.” She paused, “I’d half-forgotten someone had died!”
Everyone laughed.
“And the things that always seemed like jokes – he always said he thought he should hedge his bets with the man upstairs just in case the religious folks got it right, but was that serious?”
Everyone laughed.
“And the funeral director, oh the funeral director trying to tactfully ask if he was a fat man, by asking if we needed one urn or two.”
Everyone laughed.
“I mean the whole thing is just too funny.”

At the funeral everyone cried.

The Dream

“I dreamt about you last night.
We were walking through a car park that didn’t end and you picked me up, pushed me against a wall and kissed me.”
She turned to face him.
“You kissed me like you haven’t kissed me in months.”
“Then you took me by the hand, looked at me with such love and stabbed me in the face.”
He looked up.
“Slashed me with a knife,” she gestured with her hand, “from here,” she pointed to her left eye, “To here,” her right cheek.
“I cried out in pain, but you drowned it with another kiss.”
He looked pained, went to speak and said nothing.
“You did this repeatedly for the entirety of the dream.”

“Kissed me, and then cut my face, there was a lot of blood.” She smiled, “Weird huh?”