Thursday, 17 April 2014

She walked the streets naked,
With old dried flowers clenched in her left hand,
Lillies, and babies breathe withered and brown,
Long stems grazing the sidewalk

The street lights were on at dusk today, and the sky was clear and smelt of wet dogs and car fumes and takeaway containers abandoned in the sun.

She veered to the left and to the right, keeping no pace and forcing no direction, she staggered in sobre drunken circles,

She wasn't crying, her stare was vacant and blind, she curled herself around an oaktree when she found one.
encircling it, and by encircling it, being encircled by it until it felt warm and soft,

Until vines crept up her ankles, and stole her dried flowers, until the weight of branches closed her vacant eyes, until the hole in the trunk where creatures lived could be seen through her stomach.

She left the world through willing,
 She become part of the world with willing. 

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